Wednesday, March 31, 2010

skins love.

i have been slack.

...But I do like cosmic/galaxy things. I got this amazing Stussy top the other day covered in a cosmic print. It's love. Here's some pictures of some cosmic lighting in photographs. I like them a lot.

Monday, March 15, 2010

i wish i lived in new york

Then I could see Mark Rydens new show 'The Gay 90's', including this amazing new artwork.

ben tour

He has some amazing artworks.

another monday comes (warning - gossip girl content)


Ah, to be rich.
So, this may just be my 'jealous of Little J' post, but I am in love with her outits, both on and off the showl. Her name is actually Taylor Momsen, and shes only like 16. Did I mention she was also the protagonist little girl in 'The Grinch'?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I spent the last 3 hours or so frustratingly beading a sculpture for tafe, and I'm now dead. I feel like re-reading this book, it was amazing.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Such a long time ago now.

Monday, March 8, 2010

i could name many people this applies to

the weather really calls for this

Mmm, Japanese Sukiyaki/Nabe. I could really go for some of this right now. This photo was taken in a traditional Sukiyaki restaurant on my last night in Japan. Sukiyaki is basically a Japanese style hot pot, and you crack an egg in a bowl and put the boiling broth and veges/meat/noodles in there. It cooks the egg slightly but not really. This was probably my favourite meal in Japan. Mmmm, makes me hungry :)

more of my own

click for larger image and more detail :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

ron mueck

Recently, my boyfriend James and I went to see the Ron Mueck gallery at the NGV on St Kilda Road. Not only was his work amazing, but I've never seen anything like it. 5m sculptures of newly born babies (mucus and all), and tiny sculptures of wrinkled old women. The feet in his sculptures amazed me the most, the detail in every wrinkle, every folicle, every hair. His work was amazing, and I'm no doubt now a fan. My fave was his sculpture of the massive 10 foot sculpture of the stone age/hobo looking man. The expression and pose as well as the detail on the body was amazing, photos below.

Friday, March 5, 2010

1-9-7-7, 1-9-7-7

Although not many people like 'Crisis' by Alexisonfire, I actually really really like it. 'Watch Out!' was still their best in my opinion, 100%. Theres some amaaaazing songs on there. Like this one They don't actually have a clip for this song though, which is a shame cos it's my favourite song of theirs, and off that album.
It kinda sucks they got so popular though. Also, I really like the artwork for Crisis (above). Creeeeeeeeepy photos of a snowstorm in America in 1977.

keith buckley

I love this man. He is that funny....and attractive


I hate mornings.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I can't wait for the cold. I love Melbourne winters.

my favourite movie

On Tuesday night I went to see Edward Scissorhands being played at the Moonlight Cinema at the Botanical Gardens in the city. James (my lovely lovely boyfriend, who I actually bought the cinema tickets for, for Valentines day) and I took an amazing picnic (and also nearly missed the start of the movie). This is probably my favourite movie ever and when I saw they were playing it I pretty much bought tickets straight away. 

Johnny Depp is amazzzzzzzzzing in it, he plays Edward THAT well. I have so many favourite parts of the movie, like when Kevin, the son, takes Edward to show and tell at school and says "One chop to a guy's neck, and it's all over." while Edward does karate poses in the background, haha. Oh, and when Edward exlpains about his day and casually says "And then she showed me the back room where she took all of her clothes off". Hahaha, it's such a good movie.

But oh so sad :( Like in this part (right)

ash and josh

Ash Stymest and Josh Beech are both sweet models. They both have this really grungy, punk look which I really like. Ash in partiular, though, can pull off these amazing high fashion looks. He has a very changeable look.


Monday, March 1, 2010

some of my own

i miss this

Last year in November, my brother took me to Japan as my 18th birthday present. It was one of the most amazing times of my life, and also one of the most scary, due to being my frist time overseas. We pretty much stayed around Tokyo, and travelled around over a space of 10 days, staying with a few Japanese friends we have along the way. We started in Ikebukuro, and our last days were spent in Shibuya and Harajuku, which turned out to be my favourtie places. I thought I'd do a little photo-blog with a few photos of my time there. It was amazing, none the less, and I'd love to go back. 
(click photos for larger image)


the beginning

Puttting aside the millions of artists I love, Kris Lewis is one who I know the least about. His paintings are amazing though.

(click for larger image)
Also, seeing as this is my first post, might as well say a bit about myself.
My name is Alex, I live in Melbourne, and I love art and music...
I also fail at writing about myself.