Wednesday, March 3, 2010

my favourite movie

On Tuesday night I went to see Edward Scissorhands being played at the Moonlight Cinema at the Botanical Gardens in the city. James (my lovely lovely boyfriend, who I actually bought the cinema tickets for, for Valentines day) and I took an amazing picnic (and also nearly missed the start of the movie). This is probably my favourite movie ever and when I saw they were playing it I pretty much bought tickets straight away. 

Johnny Depp is amazzzzzzzzzing in it, he plays Edward THAT well. I have so many favourite parts of the movie, like when Kevin, the son, takes Edward to show and tell at school and says "One chop to a guy's neck, and it's all over." while Edward does karate poses in the background, haha. Oh, and when Edward exlpains about his day and casually says "And then she showed me the back room where she took all of her clothes off". Hahaha, it's such a good movie.

But oh so sad :( Like in this part (right)

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