Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One down....too many to go!!!

So, one interview down.

Now tell me - is asking about 'which area current students most likely end up in' an irrelevant question to ask? I didn't think so, but apparently my interviewer did. But you get that, the pretentious ones, the tired ones, the ones trying to test you, the ones who have seen one too many 'VCE' folios.

Otherwise, I think it went pretty well really. I spoke well about my work in a conceptual manner, and I think I presented a pretty good folio. Now to wait for an A, B or C....we will just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can I multiply myself, just for maybe a few weeks...

I have several university interviews so far, as well as starting a new job on Friday. I wasn't nervous till now, but after i wrote that I just got VERY nervous. Money is good though, as well is a new start.
I'm going to please myself by writing down some uni interview tips, whilst I wait for my washing machine to finish it's cycle...

  • Confidence - this is the key I believe. Don't let the interviewers intimidate you, nor let them make you feel less confident. 
  • Speak conceptually - and in 'art terms' 
  • Study your artists/designers and know them
  • Be yourself
  • Talk honestly 
  • Don't over-talk. No need to talk about every step taken in photoshop or how you used a "darken filter at 47% opacity"
  • maybe be yourself.
I think thats enough for now. And tips for starting a new job? Heaven knows I have no idea....I have to use a cash register?? Crap.