Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a reintroduction

My name is Alex, and basically I just wanted to reintroduce myself for documentations sake. Currently I am studying a Certificate IV in Arts and Contemporary Crafts.

At the beginning of the year my main intention was to continue on after this year, studying fine art and some form of institute. I was so set on being an artist, and was basing my whole folio on that notion.

Over the year, after taking part in a graphic design elective, I found myself more and more 'into' graphics, and more able to use my drawing and hand skills to create design pieces. As well as this I found I was able to include my love of typography in graphics, more so then I could in my other more fine art-y subjects.

And thus I have now decided my main preferences will be design courses. Hopefully this will work for me, and I'm sure it will. I fell much more comfortable being in a design course whilst doing a fine art subject, rather then being in a fine art course and being restricted to only one design subject.

I feel, for me, the structure of a design course will work better for me, just for the reason that I am not so good at self directed work....I am so bad with 'starting off'. I would much rather that I be given a brief and be told exactly what I am to design - whilst bringing my own artistic flair and hand-skills into my designs.

Story of my life, changing my mind all the time. But hopefully it will work for me....I think it will.

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