Saturday, October 30, 2010

Owls....never again!

Conceptual piece. This was basically about the symbols of my ancestry. The symbol of the town Bouf, where my grandmother is from in Macedonia is the owl. I wanted to show the qualities of an owl through the strong image of the female. Owls are solitary, strong, and wise creatures. They also are known to be 'old souls' (which is something a 'psychic' lady once told me I was) so they are very curious little creatures.  I also wanted to give the girl/owl an spirit-y kind of look, as she is a mythical creature after all :) 

Also I read this quote which inspired me a little before I started these - 

"When philosophy paints it's gloomy picture, then a form of life has grown old. It cannot be rejuvenated by the gloomy picture, only understood.  Only when the dusk starts to fall does the owl of Minerva spread its wings and fly."

It's quite hard to understand, I don't even quite understand it. Basically the owl was seen as a symbol is wisdom, and the quote basically says that philosophy cannot be determined before something has happened, but only after, in hindsight. This is only one of three owl/girls also. 

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